VHDL Reserved Words

VHDL Reserved Words


abs                                       operator, absolute value of right operand. No () needed.

access                                   used to define an access type, pointer

after                                   specifies a time after NOW

alias                                     create another name for an existing identifier

all                                         dereferences what precedes the .all

and                                      operator, logical "and" of left and right operands

architecture                       a secondary design unit

array                                   used to define an array, vector or matrix

assert                                 used to have a program check on itself

attribute                           used to declare attribute functions

begin                                  start of a begin end pair

block                                                 start of a block structure

body                                                   designates a procedure body rather than declaration

buffer                                                   a mode of a signal, holds a value

bus                                                       a mode of a signal, can have multiple drivers

case                                                      part of a case statement

component                                          starts the definition of a component

configuration                                     a primary design unit

constant                                             declares an identifier to be read only

disconnect                                          signal driver condition

downto                                               middle of a range 31 downto 0

else                                                     part of "if" statement, if cond then ... else ... end if;

elsif                                                      part of "if" statement, if cond then ... elsif cond ...

end                                                     part of many statements, may be followed by word and id

entity                                                 a primary design unit

exit                                                      sequential statement, used in loops

file                                                       used to declare a file type

for                                                       start of a for type loop statement

function                                             starts declaration and body of a function

generate                                            make copies, possibly using a parameter

generic                                              introduces generic part of a declaration

group                                                 collection of types that can get an attribute

guarded                                            causes a wait until a signal changes from False to True

if                                                           used in "if" statements

impure                                               an impure function is assumed to have side effects

in                                                          indicates a parameter in only input, not changed

inertial                                                signal characteristic, holds a value

inout                                                   indicates a parameter is used and computed in and out

is                                                          used as a connective in various statements

label                                                   used in attribute statement as entity specification

library                                                 context clause, designates a simple library name

linkage                                               a mode for a port, used like buffer and inout

literal                                                   used in attribute statement as entity specification

loop                                                    sequential statement, loop ... end loop;

map                                                    used to map actual parameters, as in port map

mod                                                    operator, left operand modulo right operand

nand                                                   operator, "nand" of left and right operands

new                                                    allocates memory and returns access pointer

next                                                    sequential statement, used in loops

nor                                                      operator, "nor" of left and right operands

not                                                      operator, complement of right operand

null                                                      sequential statement and a value

of                                                         used in type declarations, of Real ;

on                                                        used as a connective in various statements

open                                                   initial file characteristic

or                                                         operator, logical "or" of left and right operands

others                                                fill in missing, possibly all, data

out                                                      indicates a parameter is computed and output

package                                             a design unit, also package body

port                                                     interface definition, also port map

postponed                                        make process wait for all non postponed process to suspend

procedure                                          typical programming procedure

process                                              sequential or concurrent code to be executed

pure                                                    a pure function may not have side effects

range                                                 used in type definitions, range 1 to 10;

record                                                used to define a new record type

register                                              signal parameter modifier

reject                                                 clause in delay mechanism, followed be a time

rem                                                     operator, remainder of left operand divided by right op

report                                                statement and clause in assert statement, string output

return                                                statement in procedure or function

rol                                                        operator, left operand rotated left by right operand

ror                                                       operator, left operand rotated right by right operand

select                                                 used in selected signal assignment statement

severity                                             used in assertion and reporting, followed by a severity

signal                                                  that an object is a signal

shared                                               used to declare shared objects

sla                                                        operator, left operand shifted left arithmetic by right op

sll                                                         operator, left operand shifted left logical by right op

sra                                                       operator, left operand shifted right arithmetic by right

srl                                                         operator, left operand shifted right logical by right op

subtype                                             declaration to restrict an existing type

then                                                    part of if condition then ...

to                                                         middle of a range 1 to 10

transport                                           signal characteristic

type                                                    declaration to create a new type

unaffected                                         used in signal waveform

units                                                   used to define new types of units

until                                                    used in wait statement

use                                                      make a package available to this design unit

variable                                             declaration that an object is a variable

wait                                                     sequential statement, also used in case statement

when                                                  used for choices in case and other statements

while                                                    kind of loop statement

with                                                    used in selected signal assignment statement

xnor                                                    operator, exclusive "nor" of left and right operands

xor                                                       operator, exclusive "or" of left and right operands

1 comment:

  1. your matlab code is almost invisible, if you are interested you can download matlab portable
